I got my Christmas present early this year and it came wrapped in a pretty HUGE bow -- the front page of the lifestyle section of my hometown newspaper!
That's right!!! I couldn't believe when I got the call from writer, Kathy Aney, from the East Oregonian Newspaper from back home asking to interview me. I was floored and flattered all at the same time, actually, I was feeling many different emotions. She said that Cathy Minnick (the mother of my high school sweetheart - whom I had kept in touch with up until a few years ago) had wrote in telling them I would make a great story with all my accomplishments here in Hollywood.
I am so proud of this piece and I hope it inspires may others out there to follow their dreams.
*Thank you to Kathy Aney for writing my story with such warmth and wit and to Cathy Minnick for making this possible*
This is a great article about you, Kikey! Loved reading it. What a great way to kickoff the holiday season. Have an awesome one!