Me and my co-star Kurtis Bedford |
One commercial I worked on, even bumped me from an extra to a principal role working along side one of baseball greatest home run hitters - Sammy Sosa. I got Taft-Hartleyed right on the spot! My acting journey in Arizona was so easy I thought, it's a sign, I'm destined to go to Hollywood and that's what I did. But let me tell you, what happened to me in Phoenix did NOT happen to me in Hollywood.
I went on what seem like hundreds of commercial auditions here in LA without getting hardly any callbacks. Yet I thought I was pretty good at most auditions! I took classes, I had a commercial agent and I was SAG but not one single commercial paycheck. I was really beginning to think it was like winning the Lottery...just darn near impossible! [I thank my commercial agents Pat & Pierre for not giving up on me]
Then one day, I was on the road to callbacks and after that I booked my very first commercial in Hollywood. I remember it - oh boy do I remember it. It revived my faith in me, my career path and just felt freaking great! I don't know if you remember the HBO series called "Rome", well I did a commercial promo for that show....that never aired LOL. Yep, shot it, got paid, had a blast working it but it never aired. Welcome to Hollywood.
Here is my Denny's commercial!! Directed by David Gray, who also directed me in a McDonald's spot I did a year ago. This also happens a lot, you start working with the same people over and over because once they know you and trust your work they keep bringing you back for more. But cracking that world...oh boy, that's a WHOLE 'nother blog.
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