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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Best Acting Classes at Margie Haber Studio

“If only I had only known then, what I know now…” want to avoid that pesky and unhappy thought?  Then I wholeheartedly recommend studying at Margie Haber Studio if you want to work more in TV and film. 

This is a little golden nugget of advice you are definitely 
going to want to heed

I know when I first moved to LA, to follow my path as an actor, I had heard of Margie Haber and I intended on taking the classes buttttt instead I ended up taking a circuitous route right back to where my gut told me to go all along -- Margie Haber Studio.  Follow your gut people…always a big lesson for me.

Ok, so you might be wondering why I am loving <3 on this class.  Well the best way I can break it down is like this; for years I have been frustrated with my acting process, my audition technique, etc, etc, and out of that frustration I would gripe to my friends and it would sound something like this:  

“I just wish someone would tell me what it is I’m doing wrong and tell me what it is I AM supposed to be doing”

And wouldn’t you know it, in my very first class at the studio this is the very thing they said they were going to teach us.  My jaw dropped and I was like whaaaat???  This is AWESOME!  I got what I was asking for.

And indeed it has been awesome.  I have seen myself improved since learning to use the Margie Haber Technique coupled with the use of the studio cameras and TV’s in each room.  It has been so enlightening to review my video in the classroom watching myself do things that could cause me to lose the role but more importantly watching me do things that could WIN me the role. Very eye opening.     

Courtney Burr reviewing my audition read from class

I’m entering my 3rd month of studying in the intermediate class with Courtney Burr (Margie Haber teaches the advance classes, which I definitely plan on taking).  Let me say, Courtney is wonderful and I am so happy to be studying with him.  One can definitely say, he’s an actor’s teacher -- he’s tireless, gives great feedback and really cares about seeing you improve.  He gives me the warm fuzzies and I love him for that! 

Margie Haber studio lobby during class. We all bonded and even created a Facebook group to keep in touch.

And the icing on the cake is to this wonderful class of mine…getting to know and bond with like minded, talented and nice actors at the studio.  Who, by the way, are a wealth of information!  I’m getting great info about photographers, showcases, workshops, blogs (shout out to fellow blogger Alex at  I have met nothing but great people at this studio. 
Courtney's September Intermediate Intensive Class
Back to front: Kwesio Jones, Rob Locke, Alexandra Choi, Eugena Peng, Rachael Sleek-Bañuelos, Dawn Davis, Christelle, Dex Bell, Daina Washington, Allan Merritt, Kikey Castillo, Courtney Burr and dog Frodo 

So, if you’re trying to figure out where to study your craft, I highly recommend Margie Haber Studio.   I bet you’ll be happy you did! 

Margie Haber Studio
971 N. La Cienega Blvd.
Ste. 207
Los Angeles, CA 90069
(310) 854-0870

Thursday, October 6, 2011

John Leguizamo’s one-man show “Ghetto Klown”

Am I funny to you? Am I your clown?!  How many times have you heard that?  Either as a jest or in a quarrel?  Or better yet, how many times have you said it to someone else…for dramatic effect of course.

Well, John takes that phrase to another level and say’s “Yes.  I am a clown, I am a Ghetto Klown” and his funny comes from pain.  There is a saying that the most funny comedians are the most wrought with pain.  And John is FUNNY!

John Leguizamo performing at the Ricardo Montalban Theatre

On Sunday, I went to see John’s 5th one-man show, “Ghetto Klown” at The Ricardo Montalban Theatre with some friends and myyyyy was I laughing as his tragedies!  It was laugh out loud HA’s and giggling and head nodding yes and definitely some knee slappings going on too.  

LtoR: Kikey Castillo, Naibe Reynoso, Karina Noelle, Lorena Alvarado

We relate to John in this show as he recounts his journey from ghetto boy in Queens to becoming a Hollywood movie star.  I mean, haven’t we all had a dream that we had to fight hard for, aren’t we all looking for love, we certainly have all lost love, who hasn’t had a difficult relationship with a parent, or at some point simply believed that we “just aren’t good enough”.  

John Leguizamo displays his life, the raw truth of it, on stage for the world to laugh AT him and WITH him...a “Ghetto Klown” for sure!  

Direct from Broadway

 John Leguizamo in
“Ghetto Klown”

15 performances only! Sept 30 to Oct 16
Tickets On Sale through
Performances at The Ricardo Montalban Theatre

Leguizamo explains, “Ghetto Klown” is all the things I say to my therapist and my manager, but would never want the general public to know.  It’s cheaper than a lawsuit and I get to take a bow at the end.  It’s like Wikileaks but with no international manhunt. Yet.”

Click play to see video of John's Show or go to

I’m more of a fan of John’s now! 

Funny guys are sexy...Muah!

My favorite John Leguizamo movies:
To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar
Ice Age as the voice of Sid
Moulin Rouge
Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet

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